Mandatory time registration for most cleaning activities as of 1 September 2024
Corporate Sustainbility Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) approved by EU
The introduction of a duty to actively monitor the right to work of subcontractor staff
Transposition of the NIS 2 Directive into Belgian law to strengthen cybersecurity
Synthetic data – a miracle cure or a data protection headache?
Takeaways from the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the EU on Climate and Energy Topics
Chemicals PFAS restriction proposal
Getting Ready For a Group Discount - The European Commission’s Updated Guidance on Joint Purchasing Arrangements
Which investments fall under the scope of the EU regulation on the screening of foreign direct investments?
An introduction to contract drafting tools for company lawyers
Mastering digital transformation contract discussions with cloud hyperscalers
AI in legal practice: Insights from Vialegis recruitment consultants
The Cyber Resilience Act: A new era for cybersecurity
EU Member States fail to reach agreement on the VAT in the Digital Age (ViDA) Proposal
New legislation on extra-contractual liability: how does it affect the liability of directors and employees ?
What does the AI Act mean for employers?